Learn Java: What is Java

What is java? Java is a programming language that was found in 1995 by Sun micro-systems, which was later acquired…

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Enums in java are more useful than you think.

Enums in java is a widely used feature and the common use case of Enum is to use it as…

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Functional interfaces in java

What is a functional interface? Functional interfaces in java is an interface where you have only one abstract method. It…

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java 13

Java 13: What’s new in java 13

java 13 release is just around the corner, and it’s better to look into what are the new features that…

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Preview Language Features in java

In this article i will be discussing the preview features in java Bit of history Java is now releasing a…

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Switching between multiple JDK versions in Windows

As a java developer, sometimes you will have to maintain multiple JDKs in your computer. You will have to switch…

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Default methods in java 8

From Java 8 onward, it’s allowed to have methods in an interface with specifying the type as default. Prior to…

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